Dermal Filler Treatment List


Lip Filler

  • Regular Filler 0.5ml

  • Regular Filler 1.0ml

  • Premium Filler 0.5ml

  • Premium Filler 1.0ml

  • Filler Removal/Dissolving


Facial Fillers

  • Nasolabial Folds (Nose to Mouth Lines)

  • Marionette Lines (Mouth to Chin Lines)

  • Perioral Lines (Downturned Mouth)

  • Smokers Lines (Above Lip)

  • Tear Through (Under Eye)

  • Liquid Nose Rhinoplasty

  • Chin Filler

  • Cheek Filler

  • Jaw Line Filler


Dermal Filler Packages

  • 2.0ml YouthTopia Package

  • 3.0ml YouthTopia Package

  • 4.0ml YouthTopia Package

  • 5.0ml YouthTopia Package

  • 6.0ml YouthTopia Package

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How do dermal fillers work?

The dermal fillers used at YouthTopia are made from hyaluronic acid, a substance that is naturally produced in the human body.

By using hyaluronic acid to add volume to the skin, we are able to lift, enhance and augment specific areas of the face that you have chosen to target.

In smaller doses, we are able to plump out the skin behind your wrinkles, folds and lines in order to smooth out the skin above.

Dermal fillers will eventually wear off as the body absorbs the hyaluronic acid and digests it. This process is sped up if you have a high metabolism or exercise a lot.To maintain the results of dermal fillers, you will require to-up injections.

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What are the benefits of dermal filler?

What areas can be treated?

Results from a single treatment can be seen instantly and can last for up to 6 months, depending on a number of biological factors of an individual client.

Dermal fillers can be used to help smooth away smile lines, create fuller lips and shape facial contours, such as cheeks and chin, as well as hydrate and revitalise the skin. The most common areas treated are the nose to mouth lines (the nasolabial folds), the lips (adding volume and shape) and the cheeks.

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Is dermal filler permanent?

One of the great advantages of dermal filler treatment is that the effects are long lasting but not permanent. Dermal filler products are biodegradable, which means they will naturally disappear in the body. The longevity of your filler can vary, depending on the brand, thickness and area treated. Duration also depends on many factors, such as the individual’s skin type, skin condition, lifestyle and age.

To ensure an optimal and long lasting result, a top-up treatment is recommended 6-12 months after your initial treatment.

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Do dermal filler treatments hurt?

The injections themselves feel like a slight pinch, and you may experience slight pressure or a ‘stinging’ sensation as the product is being injected.

Depending on the area, your YouthTopia cosmetic injector may apply numbing cream to the area to be treated. Some of the fillers already contain local anaesthetic which also makes the treatment more tolerable.